One might ask what a blog can do to enhance one’s business, why should I spend the time blogging when I could be doing something more productive. But blogging is a great tool to add to your business. In the generation of facebook, twitter and texting; we move at such a fast pace we barely make the the time to interact with others in person or even on the phone anymore. After a long day of work we don’t want to pick up the phone AGAIN to talk, we just want to relax. But I would say that deep down 75% of people are missing that connection with friends. How often do you see a post. We REALLY need to get together or Miss you… People love that personal connection. But where does that come into play with your business???
Blogging allows you to have a personal (semi) relationship with your customers/clients. It allows them to see how being part of your business helps you personally. Telling a story about you, your kids or pets leaves a invisible stamp in their mind of you… An example, cupcakieres the newest trend in yummy food! There is one that has opened up in Lee’s Summit, it has been on television, does major events most people know it by name. But I started following another cupcakery in Blue Springs that was opened by a girl I went to high school with. We weren’t friends, to be honest I don’t even remember her personally just her name (sorry AMY!!) but I have enjoyed reading her stories and now her blogs. I read one this morning by her husband about their support in breast cancer. My mother is a survivor of 8 years now! This made more excited to support this company with my business. INVISABLE STAMP…. Next time I need cupcakes guess who I’m calling! The Sweet Tooth
This is how blogging helps. It invites your customers into your lives, it makes you feel involved in the company, it starts relationships, and it is networking. So blog… blog…blog…