Yoo-Hoo…Where Are You? (Part 3)
#5—Write a Blog and Regularly Post it To Social Media Content is king in SEO right now, and clients love to hear what you have to say about [...]
Yoo-Hoo…Where Are You? (Part 2)
Understand Local Search Here is Part 2 of our blog series to help you under how Local Search works. If you are a local business and want [...]
Yoo-Hoo…Where Are You? (Part 1)
How to Ensure A Successful Local Search You have what people need, and you want to make it easy for them to get. First things first—new clients have [...]
High-Quality Content Rules — SEO Ranking Factors 2014
SearchMetrics, the pioneer and leading global platform for search experience optimization, just released their 2014 ranking factors study. It provides an “indepth definition and evaluation of the [...]
Website Optimization
Not only is it important to have a website these days – but even more – one that can be found! “Optimizing” your website is the act [...]
Social Media Marketing
Why use Social Media? If there has ever been a “jackpot” when it comes to marketing your business and gaining exposure, it’s social media. With the BOOM [...]